Beautiful Life If Love Field

Only people who have a spacious and airy hearts that will be able to enjoy a quiet heart. He is the Almighty God who knows the area per person of a servant. Hopefully everything that happens to us personally able to make us stronger mentally, more powerful moral. Any registration trials can hopefully be overcome with open heart.

With Al-Waasi imitate nature ', we must learn to change our perspective in life. Do not view the property above all else. Property is sustenance from God, but it is the lowest level. Wealth of knowledge, intellectual property originating from the heart of faith is much higher on the property. Therefore, we do not take pride in something that is low.
Equally important, we must have the breadth of the liver. Happy mood will determine whether or not our lives. So we have to be borne in airy train. Practice not easily offended, do not dramatize the problem, it's easy to forgive, and realize that other people do not always correspond to our kehedak, is partly a way to get broad-mindedness. The more broadly a more difficult field friction. The illustrations, in the broad field we are not afraid of rats, cockroaches or snakes. However, it would be different if we shared these animals in a small room.

Post titleprivilege al qur'an

Al-Qur'an have the features that distinguish the previous books include are:

Al-Qur'an is a book that Shamil covering all God's teachings that exist in the books revealed before (the Torah, the Gospels, and Psalms) and others. As Allah says in the letter of al-Maidah: 48 "And We have sent down to thee the Quran with the truth, confirming what was before, ie the Scriptures (derived previously) and the touchstone against which other Scriptures that; then decide the case them by what Allah revealed and follow not their desires to leave the truth that has come upon you. for every people among you, We have given the rules and the way the light ".

In the above verse states that Allah commanded the Prophet to decide all matters arising between the whole human race is by using the law of the Koran, both those who are Muslims or any class of Ahl-ul-book (Christians and Jews) and not to follow their own lusts only.
Also explained that every human by God Almighty. Shari'a is given and the way the laws are in accordance with the preparation amaliah and their abilities. The issues related to faith, worship, manners, courtesy and halal and haram, which also has to do with something that will not differ because of changes in time and place, then put them together and only one kind of uniform, as shown in religions Another revelation comes from God Almighty. Allah says in the letter as-Shura: 13

"He has mensyari'atkan to you about what the religion of his diwasiatkan to Noah and that which We have revealed to you and what have we wasiatkan to Abraham, Moses and Jesus are: Establish the religion and do not be broken to pieces about it"

The teachings contained in the Koran is the word of God the last one to give the correct advice and guidance to mankind, this is willed by God in order to remain all-time, lasting for ever. Therefore keep the book of the Koran that are not tainted by the hands that want to pollute the sanctity, purity was about to change, want to change the actual content or even want to sneak something from the outside or reduce kelengkapannya.Allah says in the letter fusshilat :41-42 " Indeed the Qur'an is a glorious book. Who did not come to him (Al Quran) sleaze from both the front and from behind, which is derived from the Supreme Lord is Wise, Praiseworthy. "And his word in the letter al-Hijr: 9" It is We who revealed the Quran, and that We guard it "The purpose of maintaining and protecting the Koran of falsehood, fraud and other changes not only in order that God's argument will remain upright in front of the whole man, that God Almighty can inherit this earth and who have above the surface.
Scripture of the Koran are desired by God's immortality, it is not possible in one day it will be that science will reach a point of conflict with the nature mentioned in the verses of the Koran no other reason because of al- Qur'an is the word of God Almighty, is the situation that occurred in the universe is all a creation of God Almighty as well. It is certain that God's word and deeds may not conflicting with each other. Even that can happen is that which would justify another one.
From this angle, we see for yourself how much truth is discovered by modern science was appropriate and fits with what is contained in the Koran. So what is found is to strengthen and realize the truth of what was spoken by God Almighty. sendiri.Firman Fushilat God in a letter: 53 "We will show them the signs (of power) We are in all areas of the earth and to themselves, so obvious to them that the Qur'an it is true. Tiadakkah enough that verily thy Lord is witness over all things?
Allah swt. wishes to broadcast his sentence and communicated to all reasoning and hearing, so it becomes a reality and action. The will of this kind can not succeed unless the sentences themselves are really easy to remember, memorized and understood. Therefore, the Qur'an revealed by Allah Almighty purposely with a style that is privileged, easy, not difficult for anyone to understand and not too difficult to implement them, as long as accompanied by a sincere heart and a strong will.
Written by: Ustadz Muhalimin Mahir, MA

That Islam Religion of Peace

This was confirmed by Gus Dur, Indonesia Muslim leaders. Here is an interview of Islamic Studies at the Utan Kayu Radio 68H Jakarta with Kiai Haji Abdurrahman Wahid alias Gus Dur was quoted as saying of the Liberal Islam Network [JIL]. 

Religious Muslims today are often associated with radicalism and violence. What is wrong according to Gus Dur? 

I think the problem is ignorance. Those who do not understand the violence that Islam is not associated with violence. That is important. 

Islamic teachings in truth - I do not understand any impartial, well Ahlus Sunnah, Shia, or whatever - is not attacking other people, no violence, except when we were expelled from our homes. It's a staple. If a person is evicted from his home, honor means he has lost himself, loses his security, loss of salvation itself. Only on the grounds that we should defend. 

How to tackle radicalism, Gus? 

Yes, we can not rest stressed that Islam is a religion of peace. In the Qur'an, the teaching of it is full. So, we do not have to repeat (the statement) again that Islam is a peaceful and rational. 

Only, there are other sides of Islam that is less rational. But if you think about it deeply, lest it is also rational. So with that, we should not necessarily give judgment, discretion, judgment. Do not. 

We have to really know why someone does a background of violence. But usually, who pretended to (Islam) that is the hardest. 

How Gus Dur defines the term kafir? 

Regarding the pagan sense, preachers like Yusril Ihza Mahendra course, our minister, do not know. First he once said, "I'm disappointed in Gus Dur is too close to the Christians and Jews. In fact, the Qur'an says, we know that good Muslims are asyiddâ'u `'alal kuffar (firmly against infidels)." Keep behind me asked, "What Faith is who?" 

According to the Koran, Christians and Jews was not a heathen, but is classified as the Ahl-ul-book. Who say kafir in the Qur'an is "the idolaters of Mecca, who shirk, polytheists of Mecca". 

While in the fiqh, people who are not Muslims it is also called kafir. It's different again. So, we are first described, where the term that we use. 

Khilafiah lot about in the community in interpreting the religion that one though. What are the criteria that difference that brings grace, Gus? 

First, there is a difference between Muhammadiyah with NU about tarawih rekaat twenty-three or eleven. Do so. All are equally allowed. So, do not fuss just because of such problems. 

We must complete the basic problems such as poverty, ignorance, corruption, and so forth. But that fact that I never cared. In fact all the fuss about how prayer; eleven rekaat or how. It's not a serious problem. 

Why there are Islamic groups who wanted the specific teachings of Islam set out in state law, such as veiling duties etc.? 

Such thinking is actually defensive. That is, they fear that Islam vanished from the earth. It's called defensive; pake timorous. Actually, there is no need to fear like that. 

Appropriate, only the affairs of humanity that we need to grasp. As a matter of how, it's up to each course. So do not be afraid of Muslims (Islam disappeared). 

Try to imagine, once Islam came from a very small community. But now, Islam be the religion of the world. Buddhism used to be so, Christians too. Christians used to eat the tiger; can not anything. Same king pitted with empty hands, even pitted against the lions. Yet now the Christian religion so that religious freedom everywhere. 

Likewise with Islam. So, do not take dizziness. In the People's Republic of China (PRC) that he was atheist, Confucianism or Buddhism, in fact, still exist and thrive even in secret. 

There is the impression Muslims are hostile to art. Instead of drawing the figure of the Prophet, drawing animate beings are condemned. How does Islam view of art, Gus? 

There used to KH. Ahmad Mutamakkin of Starch. He accused the jurists in the region have practiced something contrary to Islamic law. Why? He let the pictures of elephants and snakes in the walls of the mosque. Then the charges grew: he is anti-Islamic, because love watching puppet plays Dewa Ruci. The accused said: Muslims really believe in gods and goddesses. 

So what; to watch it not be? From there he could take his theories that he did not fit. For that, we are not taking things easy to react, let alone assume the other person is a kaafir. 

Why are frequent conflicts between the truth claims of religions, even in a single clump of the same religion? 

Because we had the nerve to take over as the Lord, the function of God, God's job. Just what we who, really had the nerve. Nothing higher than others. Higher and larger than anything that only God. 

How to determine the correct Islamic attitude in the complexity of the life of this world? 

Islam the correct attitude is the attitude which correspond to the principal teachings of Islam. Basic teachings of Islam is this: God is one. So we are required to adhere to the teachings of God, love one another, and so forth. We must love one another, inter-human. 

Sources: Liberal Islam Network. 

Quoted from:

21. JENGIS KHAN (± 1162-1227)

Jengis Khan, penakluk Mongol terbesar, dilahirkan kira-kira tahun 1162. Ayahnya seorang kepala suku kecil, menamakan anaknya Temujin sesudah dia mengalahkan kepala suku lain. Tatkala Temujin berumur sembilan tahun, ayahnya terbunuh oleh suku lawannya, dan sesudah itu anggota familinya yang kebetulan masih hidup berada dalam cengkeraman ketakutan dan keterasingan. Ini betul-betul suatu pemula dari kehidupan yang getir, dan bagi Temujin lebih-lebih lagi sebelum ada perubahan yang lebih baik untuk dirinya. Tatkala dia sudah menginjak usia muda remaja, dia tertawan dalam suatu pertempuran melawan suku lawannya.
21. JENGIS KHAN (± 1162-1227)
Untuk mencegah dia bisa lolos, sebuah gelang bambu digantungkan di batang lehernya. Dari keadaan yang tak tampak jalan lolos dalam tahanan kelompok buta huruf yang primitif, dari negeri yang kering kerontang papa sengsara, Temujin mampu bangkit menjadi manusia yang terkuat di dunia.

Kebangkitannya bermula dari usahanya meloloskan diri dari tahanan lawannya. Kemudian dia bergabung dengan Toghril, teman akrab mendiang ayahnya, seorang kepala suku yang punya kaitan hubungan di daerah itu. Tahun-tahun berikutnya yang penuh dengan baku hantam antar suku, Temujin setapak demi setapak berjuang keras mencapai puncak.

Suku-suku Mongol lama terkenal penunggang-penunggang kuda yang mahir dan pendekar-pendekar yang keras tak kenal ampun. Sepanjang sejarah mereka tak henti-hentinya menggempur Cina bagian utara. Tetapi, sebelum Temujin muncul, antar suku Mongol suka berhantam sesamanya menyia-nyiakan energi. Dengan kelihaian menggabungkan sikap keberanian, diplomasi, kekerasan dan kesanggupan mengorganisir, Temujin berhasil menyatukan semua suku-suku dibawah kepemimpinan Temujin, dan pada tahun 1206 sebuah permusyawaratan besar antar suku-suku Mongol memberi julukan Temujin "Jengis Khan" yang berarti "Kaisar semesta." Kekuatan militer Jengis Khan yang menakutkan yang digalangnya menujukan ujung tombaknya ke negeri-negeri yang berdampingan. Mula-mula dia melabrak Hsi Hsia di timur laut Cina dan Kekaisaran Chin di utara Cina. Tatkala pertempuran berlangsung percekcokan timbul antara Jengis Khan dan Khwarezm Shah Muhammad yang memerintah kerajaan yang lumayan besarnya di Persia dan Asia Tengah. Di tahun 1219 Jengis Khan menggerakkan pasukannya melabrak Khwarezm Shah. Asia Tengah dan Persia diambil alih dan kerajaan Khwarezm Shah Muhammad dihancurluluhkan. Bersamaan dengan itu sebagian pasukan Mongol menyerang Rusia, Jengis Khan pribadi memimpin tentara menyerbu Afganistan dan India bagian utara. Dia kembali ke Mongolia tahun 1225 dan wafat di sana tahun 1227.

Sesaat sebelum Jengis Khan menghembuskan nafas terakhir, dia minta agar putera ketiganya, Ogadai, ditetapkan jadi penggantinya. Ini merupakan pilihan bijaksana karena Ogadai menjadi seorang jendral brilian atas hasil usahanya sendiri. Di bawah kepemimpinannya, pasukan Mongol meneruskan penyerbuannya di Cina, sepenuhnya menguasai Rusia, dan menyerbu maju menuju Eropa. Di tahun 1241 gabungan tentara Polandia, Jerman, Hongaria sepenuhnya dipukul oleh orang-orang Mongol yang maju pesat menuju Budapest. Tetapi, tahun itu Ogadai meninggal dunia dan pasukan Mongol mundur dari Eropa dan tak pernah kembali lagi.

Ada masa lowong yang kentara tatkala para kepala suku Mongol saling adu alasan mengenai soal pengganti pimpinan. Tetapi, sementara itu di bawah dua Khan berikutnya (Mangu Khan dan Kublai Khan, keduanya cucu Jengis Khan) orang-orang Mongol meneruskan maju mendesak terus di Asia. Tahun 1279 orang-orang Mongol sudah menguasai sebuah empirium yang terluas dalam sejarah. Penguasaan daerahnya meliputi Cina, Rusia, Asia Tengah, juga Persia dan Asia Tenggara. Tentaranya melakukan gerakan maju yang penuh keberhasilan menambah daerah yang membentang mulai dari Polandia hingga belahan utara India, dan kekuasaan Kublai Khan diakhiri di Korea, Tibet, dan beberapa bagian Asia Tenggara.

Suatu empirium yang begini luas daerahnya dengan sendirinya sukar diatasi lewat sistem transportasi yang masih primitif. Akibatnya adalah musykil memelihara keutuhan daerah kekuasaan, sehingga pada akhirnya empirium itu terpecah belah. Tetapi, kekuasaan Mongol masih mampu bertahan bertahun-tahun. Orang Mongol baru terhalau dari sebagian besar Cina tahun 1368. Malahan, kekuasaan mereka atas daerah Rusia berlangsung lebih lama. "Pengelana Emas," begitulah julukan yang lazim diberikan kepada kerajaan cucu Jengis Khan bernama Batu didirikan di Rusia berlangsung hingga abad ke-16 dan Khamate dari Crimea bertahan hingga tahun 1783. Cicit-cicit lain Jengis Khan mendirikan dinasti-dinasti yang menguasai Asia Tengah dan Persia. Kedua daerah ini ditundukkan di abad ke-14 oleh Timurleng (Tamerlane), juga berdarah Mongol dan mengklaim diri keturunan Jengtis. Dinasti Tamerlane berakhir di abad ke-15. Tetapi meski ini berakhir bukanlah berarti penaklukan-penaklukan dan penguasaan Mongol sudah stop. Cicit Tamerlane bernama Baber menyerbu dan menduduki India dan mendirikan dinasti Mogul (Mongol). Penguasa-penguasa Mogul, yang menguasai hampir seluruh India tetap menggenggam tampuk kekuasaan hingga pertengahan abad ke-18.

Dalam perjalanan sejarah telah dapat dipastikan penguasaan oleh manusia-manusia --katakanlah manusia "sinting" kalau mau-- yang telah mampu menaklukkan dunia dan berhasil menguasainya. Yang paling menonjol dari para "Megalomaniak" ini adalah Alexander Yang Agung, Jengis Khan, Napoleon Bonaparte dan Hitler. Apa sebab dan alasan apa menempatkan keempat orang ini dalam daftar urutan atas dalam daftar buku ini? Bukankah yang namanya ide lebih bermakna ketimbang bala tentara? Saya tentu saja sepakat bahwa dalam jangka panjang pena jauh punya kekuatan ketimbang pedang. Bahkan juga dalam ukuran jangka pendek. Masing-masing dari keempat tokoh di atas menguasai begitu luas daerah dan begitu banyak penduduk dan menanamkan pengaruh begitu besar kepada orang-orang sejamannya dan mereka tidaklah bisa disebut dan disisihkan semacam menghadapi bandit biasa.
21. JENGIS KHAN (± 1162-1227)
Apa sebab saya berkesimpulan Jengis Khan lebih penting dari ketiga tokoh lainnya? Sebagian --tentu saja-- karena pengaruhnya menyebar ke daerah yang lebih luas dari pengaruh lainnya. Dan yang lebih penting lagi, pengaruhnya berlangsung dalam jangka waktu yang lebih lama. Napoleon dan Hitler terkalahkan tatkala keduanya masih hidup dan penaklukannya berjangka pendek. Meski pasukan Alexander Yang Agung tak terkalahkan pada saat ia tutup usia, dia tak pernah menunjuk penggantinya dan sesudah kematiannya empiriumnya segera berantakan. Tetapi, Jengis Khan mampu mengorganisir daerah taklukannya begitu cermat dan rapinya, dan baik anak-anak maupun cucu-cucunya semuanya merupakan pewaris yang teguh. Orang-orang Mongol meneruskan penguasaan atas daerah begitu luas di Asia berabad-abad sesudah kematian Jengis Khan.

Salah satu akibat tak langsung penaklukan oleh Jengis Khan menyimpan makna tersendiri. Penaklukan Mongol yang berbarengan dengan penyatuan sebagian besar Asia lebih mengembangkan rute perdagangan di kawasan itu daripada keadaan sebelumnya. Dan sekaligus mendorong arus perdagangan antara Cina dan Eropa. Pedagang-pedagang Eropa seperti Marco Polo dengan demikian dapat melakukan perjalanan ke Cina dan kembali membawa pelbagai rupa kisah tentang betapa kaya dan makmurnya Cina. Peningkatan kegiatan ekonomis dengan daerah Timur ini dan kenaikan minat di Cina sendiri salah satu sebab yang menggoda orang-orang Eropa untuk berdatangan mencari rejeki dan mengeksploitir Timur.

Salah satu kenyataan penting: andaikata Christoper Colombus, Simon Bolivar dan Thomas Edison tak pernah dilahirkan ibu mereka ke dunia, dapat dipastikan ada orang lain yang menemukan benua Amerika, yang membebaskan Amerika Latin, yang menemukan cahaya listrik. Tetapi, jika Jengis Khan tak pernah dilahirkan emaknya, tak bakalan dunia menyaksikan penaklukan begitu dahsyat dan besar-besaran oleh bangsa Mongol. Suku-suku Mongol tak pernah bisa bersatu sebelum abad ke-13 dan mereka sekarang tak bisa bersatu lagi. Jengis Khan dengan demikian tak syak lagi merupakan penggerak utama dari perbuatan besar itu dalam sejarah manusia.

Seratus Tokoh yang Paling Berpengaruh dalam Sejarah
Michael H. Hart, 1978
Terjemahan H. Mahbub Djunaidi, 1982
PT. Dunia Pustaka Jaya
Jln. Kramat II, No. 31A
Jakarta Pusat