Al-Qur'an have the features that distinguish the previous books include are:
Al-Qur'an is a book that Shamil covering all God's teachings that exist in the books revealed before (the Torah, the Gospels, and Psalms) and others. As Allah says in the letter of al-Maidah: 48 "And We have sent down to thee the Quran with the truth, confirming what was before, ie the Scriptures (derived previously) and the touchstone against which other Scriptures that; then decide the case them by what Allah revealed and follow not their desires to leave the truth that has come upon you. for every people among you, We have given the rules and the way the light ".
In the above verse states that Allah commanded the Prophet to decide all matters arising between the whole human race is by using the law of the Koran, both those who are Muslims or any class of Ahl-ul-book (Christians and Jews) and not to follow their own lusts only.
Also explained that every human by God Almighty. Shari'a is given and the way the laws are in accordance with the preparation amaliah and their abilities. The issues related to faith, worship, manners, courtesy and halal and haram, which also has to do with something that will not differ because of changes in time and place, then put them together and only one kind of uniform, as shown in religions Another revelation comes from God Almighty. Allah says in the letter as-Shura: 13
"He has mensyari'atkan to you about what the religion of his diwasiatkan to Noah and that which We have revealed to you and what have we wasiatkan to Abraham, Moses and Jesus are: Establish the religion and do not be broken to pieces about it"
The teachings contained in the Koran is the word of God the last one to give the correct advice and guidance to mankind, this is willed by God in order to remain all-time, lasting for ever. Therefore keep the book of the Koran that are not tainted by the hands that want to pollute the sanctity, purity was about to change, want to change the actual content or even want to sneak something from the outside or reduce kelengkapannya.Allah says in the letter fusshilat :41-42 " Indeed the Qur'an is a glorious book. Who did not come to him (Al Quran) sleaze from both the front and from behind, which is derived from the Supreme Lord is Wise, Praiseworthy. "And his word in the letter al-Hijr: 9" It is We who revealed the Quran, and that We guard it "The purpose of maintaining and protecting the Koran of falsehood, fraud and other changes not only in order that God's argument will remain upright in front of the whole man, that God Almighty can inherit this earth and who have above the surface.
Scripture of the Koran are desired by God's immortality, it is not possible in one day it will be that science will reach a point of conflict with the nature mentioned in the verses of the Koran no other reason because of al- Qur'an is the word of God Almighty, is the situation that occurred in the universe is all a creation of God Almighty as well. It is certain that God's word and deeds may not conflicting with each other. Even that can happen is that which would justify another one.
From this angle, we see for yourself how much truth is discovered by modern science was appropriate and fits with what is contained in the Koran. So what is found is to strengthen and realize the truth of what was spoken by God Almighty. sendiri.Firman Fushilat God in a letter: 53 "We will show them the signs (of power) We are in all areas of the earth and to themselves, so obvious to them that the Qur'an it is true. Tiadakkah enough that verily thy Lord is witness over all things?
Allah swt. wishes to broadcast his sentence and communicated to all reasoning and hearing, so it becomes a reality and action. The will of this kind can not succeed unless the sentences themselves are really easy to remember, memorized and understood. Therefore, the Qur'an revealed by Allah Almighty purposely with a style that is privileged, easy, not difficult for anyone to understand and not too difficult to implement them, as long as accompanied by a sincere heart and a strong will.
Written by: Ustadz Muhalimin Mahir, MA

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