Scholars who Successor of the Prophet Muhammad ?

Allah He will say: "I will exalt those who believe and people of knowledge". The Prophet SAW said: "Scholars are the inheritors of the Prophet Muhammad"
Who is the successor of Prophet Muhammad SAW scholars?
In the Al-Qur `an and Hadith on the many opinions that the cleric is the successor to the Prophet Muhammad who passed by her friends, including:
1. Sayyidina Abubakar RA Assiddiq
2. Sayyidina Umar bin Khattab RA
3. Sayyidina ibn Affan RA Ustman
4. Sayyidina Ali bin Abi Talib RA

After the companions kewafatan narrators-narrators of Hadith and Al-Qur `an forwarded by scholars, including:
Imam Maliki
Imam Hambali
Syafi Imam `i
Imam Hanafi

Throughout the Imam is the successor to the Prophet Muhammad that teach about God and the Prophet Muhammad. To this day, they also followed the teachings of their followers. Especially in our country Indonesia, mostly followers of Imam Syafi `i.
Who is Imam Syafi `i?
He is an expert in Fiqh, Tawheed and Sufism. Nearly about 150 Fak science he mastered. Because of his intelligence he was a priest.His teachings in Indonesia, especially to the people of the Prophet Muhammad invited to:
1.      Tawakal (Submit yourself to God)
2.      Qana `ah (Received improvised nature that comes from Allah SWT)
3.      Wara '(Be cautious in the run of religion)
4.      Believe (To believe in Allah and what is brought by the Prophet Muhammad)

He told about in the book Tauhidnya tawakal, Qana `ah in the book Fiqihnya, Wara 'in the book of mystical and confident in the book Dzikirnya. All these sciences he was used by the Wali, Wali Songo in Indonesia and brought him, among the dhikr, dhikr Syafi brought by Imam `i and the Wali Songo were passed by him:
1.       Dhikr-remembrance readings as well as the obligatory prayer Sunnah prayers.
2.      Quick reading of the history of Prophet Muhammad SAW

He doctrine accepted by all the people of Indonesia are carried by the Wali Songo to this doctrine is called Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama `ah are forwarded by the Ulama, Ulema, and the Habaib Kyai in the year 600 AH.
Scholars, clerics throughout Indonesia that her `i school of Imam Syafi spread on the island of Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, especially the city of Jakarta with the Habaib. So the teachings of Imam Syafi `I have first entered into the land of Indonesia before the other doctrines that have been so many in the country of Indonesia.The teachings of Imam `i Syafi better known by people close to the form:
a.       Yasin and Tahlil readings
b.      Reading of Ratib
c.       Readings Maulid
d.      Reading of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Manaqib Mr. Al-Gilani
e.       Majlis Majlis-ta `lim yellow book (interpretation of the Qur` an and Hadith)
f.       Usholi wear when praying
g.      Qunut wear when praying Shubuh.

And still many others are based on the Al-Qur `an and Hadith the Prophet Muhammad that he was carrying. So this is called the successors of the Prophet Muhammad scholars must we as Muslims are not divided, the new teachings that we would forget to Allah and the Prophet Muhammad and the scholars who bring services such as Imam Syafi `i and the Wali Songo .

Thus understanding the Prophet scholars that we must contohi and we follow that we saved from the punishment of Allah SWT and doom in the world and the hereafter. Make a difference that was not split because the Prophet said: "If the man spoke the words at the end of his life he counted Laa IlahaIlallah a blessed man of God in khusnul khotimah". Because Allah says: "There is no compulsion in religion"

Muslims must guard against incitement and attempts (the remnants of the business) occupation and Jewish lackeys who do not like / want the greatness of Islam and Muslims and tried to destroy and eliminate the Muslim comrades as well as the objectives of the program they (the Jews) , Allah says: "And the blessing will never be the Jews and the Christians until you follow their religion" (Surah Al-Baqarah 120). With a diverse and changing the way and try to ride / manipulate the Muslims themselves to decide the path ummah relationship with Prophet, clerical and Superior both living and deceased.
Find the path that has continued to the Al-Qur `an, Hadith, Ijma 'and the figurative (religious examples), through the science of genealogy, or an uninterrupted sequence of Shalafuna Sholeh to the Prophet Muhammad, then surely we will be safe in the world and inHereafter

27. GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732-1799)

 Lahir tahun 1732 di Wakefield, Virgina, anak petani berada, George Washington mewarisi sebidang perkebunan yang luas pada umur dua puluh tujuh tahun. Dari tahun 1753-1758 Washington masuk dinas tentara, ambil bagian aktif dalam peperangan tentara Perancis lawan Indian, dan peroleh banyak pengalaman dan pujian. Dia kembali ke Virginia akhir tahun 1758, dan ambil pensiun. Tak lama kemudian dia kawin dengan Martha Dandridge Custis janda kaya beranak dua. (Dia sendiri tak pernah punya anak).
27. GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732-1799)
Washington dalam lima belas tahun berikutnya mengelola perkebunannya dengan pengelolaan yang rapi. Di tahun 1774, tatkala dia terpilih jadi wakil Virginia menghadiri Kongres Kontinental Pertama, dia merupakan orang terkaya di koloni Amerika. Washington bukanlah orang pertama yang menyerukan kemerdekaan; tetapi di bulan Juni 1775 dalam Kongres Kontinental kedua (yang dia juga jadi wakil Virginia), dia terpilih jadi panglima tentara seluruh Kontinental. Pengalaman militernya, kekayaannya dan reputasinya, potongan badannya (tinggi kekar 1,9 m), bakat administratomya dan --di atas segala-galanya-- pendirian dan watak yang tegas, menopangnya sehingga dapat menduduki posisi itu. Sepanjang pertempuran dilakukannya tanpa imbalan uang serta memberi contoh-contoh pengabdian yang tanpa pamrih.

Keberhasilan Washington yang paling menonjol dirampungkannya sekitar tahun 1775 tatkala dia memimpin pasukan Kontinental dan di bulan Maret 1797 tatkala masa jabatan kepresidenannya yang ke-2 berakhir. Dia menghembuskan nafas terakhir di rumahnya di Mount Vernon, Virginia, bulan Desember 1799.

Kedudukan kuncinya yang menentukan dalam rangka mendirikan negara Amerika Serikat berangkat dari tiga macam peranan yang dimainkannya.

Pertama, dia merupakan pimpinan militer yang berhasil dalam perang kemerdekaan Amerika. Memang benar, Washington bukanlah seorang militer yang genius, tidaklah lebih menonjol ketimbang Alexander Yang Agung, Yulius Caesar. Tetapi, perlu diingat, sementara banyak panglima Amerika menderita kekalahan berat, Washington (meskipun mengalami juga beberapa kekalahan kecil) masih mampu meneruskan pertempuran dan membawa panji-panji kemenangan.

Kedua, Washington menjadi ketua konvensi konstitusi. Kendati ide-ide Washington tidaklah memainkan peranan menentukan dalam penyusunan konstitusi Amerika, tetapi dorongannya, nama baiknya, menentukan sekali tatkala pengesahannya. Saat itu ada tantangan terhadap konstitusi baru, dan kalau saja tanpa pengaruh Washington rasanya konstitusi itu sukar diterima.

Ketiga, Washington merupakan presiden pertama Republik Amerika Serikat. Amerika Serikat sesungguhnya layak merasa beruntung punya presiden pertama yang punya bobot besar dan karakter kuat. Coba saja lihat dan bandingkan dengan begitu banyak contoh negara-negara di Amerika Latin maupun Afrika yang walaupun didirikan lewat dasar konstitusi demokratis tetapi teramat cepat merosot jadi diktator militer. Sedangkan Washington dengan teguhnya memelihara republik dari perpecahan tanpa diiringi ambisi terus-terusan berkuasa. Dia tidak sudi jadi raja maupun diktator. Dialah orang yang menanamkan kaidah perlunya perpindahan kekuasaan dari satu tangan ke tangan lain lewat cara damai. Kaidah ini tetap dianut di Amerika Serikat hingga saat ini.

George Washington bukanlah pemikir murni dan tajam seperti halnya pemuka-pemuka Amerika lain pada jamannya seperti Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton dan Benjamin Franklin. Namun, dia lebih unggul dari semua mereka itu. Soalnya, Washington --baik saat perang maupun saat damai-- senantiasa memberi sumbangan dalam bentuk kekuatan watak dalam kepemimpinan pemerintahan, yang tanpa dia tak bakal ada langkah-langkah politik yang berhasil. Saham peranan Madison dalam pembentukan Republik Amerika Serikat adalah penting, tetapi dalam kaitan ini apa yang dilakukan Washington pun hampir sama penting dan menentukannya.

Pencantuman George Washington dalam daftar urutan buku ini sebagian besar tergantung dari penilaian historis mengenai berdirinya sebuah Republik Amerika Serikat. Penentuan yang tak berpihak mengenai arti penting berdirinya Amerika Serikat tentu saja sulit dilakukan oleh seorang Amerika yang hidup sekarang ini. Kendati Amerika Serikat dipertengahan abad ke-20 memegang posisi keunggulan militer dan punya pengaruh politik bahkan lebih besar dari apa yang pernah dimiliki oleh Kekaisaran Romawi pada saat puncak kejayaannya, tetapi kekuatan politiknya tidaklah berlangsung lama seperti halnya Romawi. Sebaliknya, jelas sekali bahwa beberapa kemajuan teknologi yang dicapai Amerika Serikat dianggap punya arti besar oleh kebudayaan lain dan pada saat yang lain. Penemuan pesawat terbang --misalnya-- dan pendaratan manusia di bulan telah merealisir impian jaman lampau dan tampaknya tak terbayangkan bahwa penemuan senjata nuklir dapat terbukti.

Karena George Washington seorang tokoh politik Amerika yang secara umum dapat dihubungkan dengan Augustus Caesar dari Romawi, tampaknya layak menempatkan kedudukan Washington dalam daftar hampir berdekatan dengan Augustus. Jika Washington diletakkan lebih bawah, ini semata-mata karena masa kepemimpinannya lebih singkat ketimbang pemerintahan Augustus, dan karena banyak tokoh (seperti Thomas Jefferson dan James Madision) juga memainkan peranan penting dalam pembentukan Republik Amerika Serikat. Tetapi, kedudukan urutan George Washington lebih tinggi dari tokoh-tokoh seperti Alexander Yang Agung dan Napoleon karena hasil karya Washington dan keberhasilan-keberhasilan yang diperbuatnya begitu punya daya jangkau pengaruh yang lebih jauh dan lestari.

Seratus Tokoh yang Paling Berpengaruh dalam Sejarah
Michael H. Hart, 1978
Terjemahan H. Mahbub Djunaidi, 1982
PT. Dunia Pustaka Jaya
Jln. Kramat II, No. 31A
Jakarta Pusat

Loving someone can go back to two reasons:
First, with regard to the Essence of a loved one

The more perfect a loved one, then that's where the growth of love. While the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam was the most remarkable man and perfect in morality, personality, character and dzatnya.

Among the properties he is so attention to his people, so gentle and affectionate to them. Characterize him as God in His Word,

لقد جاءكم رسول من أنفسكم عزيز عليه ما عنتم حريص عليكم بالمؤمنين رءوف رحيم

"It has come unto you an Apostle of their own clans, he felt severe suffering, really want (faith and salvation) you, again very loving mercy towards the believers." (Surah At Tauba: 128)

Secondly, with regard to benefits to be gained
Fruit of Loving the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam

Indeed, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam did not need us to love him. With the love of it, it will not add to the glorious position and the absence of this love anyway, will not reduce his glory. Because he was the most beloved in the sight of Allah Ta'ala.

He who follows his sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam (ittiba'), then God will love and forgive his sins. As Allah Ta'ala says:

قل إن كنتم تحبون الله فاتبعوني يحببكم الله ويغفر لكم ذنوبكم والله غفور رحيم

"Say: 'If you (really) love Allah, follow me, Allah will love you and forgive your sins." Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. "(Surah Ali Imran: 31)

Can not be taken avail of the love of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam except for those who love him. It is the kind of people who will find happiness in the world and the hereafter.

Elaboration of the above benefits can be seen in the following discussion.

# Loving the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam is a reason to get the sweetness of faith

God made the reasons for the sweetness of faith. Among these is love for the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam more than all creatures.

It has been narrated from Imam Bukhari and Muslim from Anas, radi 'anhu, the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said:

ثلاث من كن فيه وجد حلاوة الإيمان أن يكون الله ورسوله أحب إليه مما سواهما وأن يحب المرء لا يحبه إلا لله وأن يكره أن يعود في الكفر كما يكره أن يقذف في النار

"Three things which make a person will get the sweetness of faith: Allah and His Messenger more than they loved than he loves his brother, he does not love him except for God, and he hated back in disbelief as he was thrown in the fire of hate."

And what is meant by (حلاوة الإيمان)-as mentioned-is rahimahumullah scholars feel the delicacy of doing obedience, patience, and feel good in religion, and which thus also affect the mundane subject.

# Loving the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam would make one with him in the afterlife

Narrated by Imam Muslim, Anas bin Malik, radi 'anhu, said: "Come one man on the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam then asked:" When will the Hour come? "Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:" What you prepare for the Day of Resurrection? "He replied," Love Allah and His Messenger. "Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said," You will be with the person you love. "

Anas-radi 'anhu, said: It is not we are very happy after the delights of Islam except after hearing word of his sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam, "You are going to be with people you love."

Anas-radi 'anhu, said: "So I really love Allah, His Prophet, Abu Bakr, and Umar-radi' anhuma-. And I hope to be with them, although amalanku not like them. "

Allahu akbar! Meditate so great and glorious reward for people who love the noble Prophet, sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam-. [1]

# Loving the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam would acquire the perfection of faith

Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,

لا يؤمن أحدكم حتى أكون أحب إليه من ولده ووالده والناس أجمعين

"One can not believe (with a perfect, eds) until I was much beloved of children and their parents and the whole people." [2]

Perfection of faith is simply obtained by obeying the will and obediently, without any doubt.

فلا وربك لا يؤمنون حتى يحكموك فيما شجر بينهم ثم لا يجدوا في أنفسهم حرجا مما قضيت ويسلموا تسليما

"So by your Lord, they (in effect) do not believe until they make you judge of the case which they differ, then they do not feel in their hearts something that you object to the decision to give, and they receive the fullest." (Surah An Nisa ': 65)

# Loving the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam is part of dhikrullah who will bear the loss of sadness, a state of repair, and forgiveness of sins.

Allah Ta'ala says,

والذين آمنوا وعملوا الصالحات وآمنوا بما نزل على محمد وهو الحق من ربهم كفر عنهم سيئاتهم وأصلح بالهم

"And those who believe and do good pious and faithful to what was revealed to Muhammad and that of truth from their Lord, Allah eliminate their mistakes and improve their circumstances." (Muhammad: 2)

With these two reasons-related to the nature and avail of the love he mentioned above, there is no reason for anyone to not love him sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. [3]

May be useful.

Authors: Muhammad Abduh Tuasikal

The key of Heaven

There is no sentence that is more noble, more thrilling, and more influential for the soul rather than sentences monotheism. Sentence that is the key to heaven, the foundations of religion, the divider between happiness and misery and glory and disgrace. La ilaha illa Allah is the first pillar of Islam, the faith of the highest branches, first and last duty of man. Get to know its meaning, amalkanlah consequences, and Hold on it to die, that's the way to eternal happiness.

Not only in oral
Muslims who are blessed by God, know that La ilaha illa Allah is the sentence that has a very great virtue. But we will not get preferment solely to pronounce it.
Shaykh Muhammad bin Ibrahim Al-Hamd said: "Who said these words and he knew its meaning, practice abortion by leaving shirk and establish the oneness of God, accompanied with a certain confidence to the content of its meaning and practice it, then he is a true Muslim. And who practice it but do not believe (meaning), then he was the hypocrites. And who is doing something contrary to the content of meaning, that is shirk, then he is a polytheist pagan though he spoke the words with his tongue "(See Rasaa Aqidah fil-il he works).
Sheikh Abdullah bin Sulaiman said: "But simply to say it without knowing its meaning and consequently did not practice, then it is not worthwhile premises ijma '(See Taisirul Hamid Azizil his work).
In conclusion, La ilaha illa Allah is a great sentence, and had collected her three things: to say it, knowing its meaning, and practice the consequences. (See I'anatul Mustafid Shaykh Salih Al Fauzan work)

Getting more
Every day we say the sentence is in the prayers and dhikr-remembering us. We constantly wetting our verbal phrase La ilaha illa Allah. However, we know the meaning and content of the sentence that great? Apparently some Muslims still there is something wrong on the meaning of the sentence correctly. Do not we often come across someone who is La ilaha illa Allah mean by "There is no god but Allah"?
You know that the meaning is the meaning that is not true? Note, "There is no god but Allah". The worst consequence is, each of which is worshiped by man, that's God. So all that is worshiped statues, crosses, statues, tombs, and all kinds of gods are vanity, that's God. Of course this is the meaning of a very damaged without a doubt! Most holy God of the case.

The truth, La ilaha illa Allah means "There is no God has the right to be worshiped but Allah". Ie there is no god who deserves to be worshiped by all forms of worship other than Allah Ta'ala. And everything that is worshiped besides Allah, then it is the most worshiped falsehood and most astray. (See At Tanbihaat Mukhtasharah Al Shaikh Salih bin Ibrahim works of Al Khuraishi). Allah Ta'ala says, "so it is for Allah, He (God) Who Haq and indeed what they invoke besides Allah, that is vanity" (Surat al-Hajj: 62)

Content and consequences
After learning the true meaning of La ilaha illa Allah sentence unity, then we will know that La ilaha illa Allah has two constituent elements. If one of them is missing, then it is not La ilaha illa Allah. Know that the two elements making up the phrase La ilaha illa Allah is an nafyu (negation) in the sentence "No one has the right to worship God" and al ithbat (setting) in the phrase "except Allah". An nafyu which disables all kinds of god but Allah, regardless of its form. Al ithbat is set only God alone has the right to be worshiped. This unity is preached by the apostles and taught by the Qur'an from beginning to end. (See Fathul Majid Sheikh Abdurrahman bin Hasan's work).

Thus, the consequences of the sentence is La ilaha illa Allah leaves and deny all forms of worship to other than Allah and worship addressed to God alone. So we just pray to God, not to the grave. Beristighosah only to God, not to the trustee. Sacrifice or slaughter only to God, not the guardian genie of trees or the sea. We leave all kinds whether it be a genie god, grave, guardian angel, even a prophet, and addressed all we do is worship to God alone. That is La ilaha illa Allah.

More Smart People polytheists First Period
You know that the ancient Pagans know the meaning of La ilaha illa Allah correctly? Therefore, when the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said to the Quraish: "Say: La ilaha illa Allah". They replied: "Why did he make God-God is the One God alone? Surely this is really a wonderful thing! "(Surat Shad: 5). (See Taisirul Azizil Hamid)
Allah also says about them, "Verily, they used to when it is said to them:" La ilaha illa Allah, "they boasted. And they say: "Do we really have to abandon our gods for a mad poet?" (Surah Ash Shaffat: 32-33)
That's because the ancient Pagans knew the true meaning of monotheism sentence. Therefore, when they offered words La ilaha illa Allah, they are reluctant and refuse to say it because they realized, by saying La ilaha illa Allah, will require that they abandon all their gods and addressing all forms of worship to God alone.
Now compare with the state of some Muslims today. Did not they say La ilaha illa Allah in prayer and remembrance in their every day? Along with that, they still pray to the grave of the righteous, beristighotsah to the trustees, and sacrificing to the jinn or guardian sea south of Merapi. Is not this contrary to the content of the phrase La ilaha illa Allah? While La ilaha illa Allah requires our prayers, our istighotsah, our sacrifice, and all our worship is addressed only to God Almighty alone, not to others? May Allah give guidance.

This is the primacy
People who say La ilaha illa Allah, knowing its meaning, and practice the consequences, will get a reply which is extraordinary from Allah Ta'ala. Here are some of the virtue of La ilaha illa Allah:

1) It must go to heaven.
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "Whoever testifies that there is no God who has the right to be worshiped except Allah alone, no partner for Him, bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and His messenger, testify that Jesus is the servant of Allah and his messenger, and the sentence which he gave to Mary, and a spirit from Him, and testify that heaven and hell is true, then God will put it into heaven after all deeds "(Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)

2) People who say it will Ikhlash forbidden from hell.
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "Verily, Allah forbid to hell, those who say La ilaha illa Allah in order to seek God's face" (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)

3) People who say it with Ikhlash entitled syafa'at Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.
Abu Huraira asked the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam: "Who are the happiest with syafa'atmu?" Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said, "People who say La ilaha illa Allah with Ikhlash of his heart" (Narrated by Bukhari in brief)

4) Blood and treasure intact.
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "Who is to say La ilaha illa Allah, and disbelief of all that is worshiped besides Allah, then the blood and treasure to be haram (ie awake-pen). While the calculation is left to Allah 'Azza wa Jalla "(Narrated by Muslim)

Terms Obtain primacy
A key will be able to open the door if it has teeth that fit. La ilaha illa Allah is the key to heaven, while the indentations there are seven, seven conditions to be fulfilled all that La ilaha illa Allah useful for people who speak it. The seven requirements are as follows:
Knowing its true meaning of La ilaha illa Allah consequence, that there is no god has the right to be worshiped except Allah alone, negating any god but Allah, and Allah only establish a right to be worshiped.
Really believe in the meaning of the sentence, that only Allah is the one God of His right to be worshiped and that besides Him is falsehood.
Ikhlash pronounce it, just hope the face of God alone.
Honestly from the heart of hearts that it is as you say his heart. If you pronounce it with his tongue but his denial, he hypocrites hypocrites people who proclaim God's at the bottom of hell. Wal 'iyaadzu billah
Love the sentence and its content, love the people who realize the true La ilaha illa Allah, and hated all contrary to the content of La ilaha illa Allah.

Obediently carried out all the consequences of La ilaha illa Allah, follow what Allah and His Messenger commanded and leave all what Allah and His Messenger forbid.
La ilaha illa Allah accept the consequences along with the liver and oral. (Excerpted from At Tanbihaat Al Mukhtasharah to change)
So the Muslims who are blessed of God, the fruit of La ilaha illa Allah will we feel if we say it, know what this means, the practice of abortion, and meet the seven conditions above. May God empower us above La ilaha illa Allah until the end of our breath so we include his servants to realize the La ilaha illa Allah correctly and got a beautiful cry: "O soul at ease. Go back to your Lord is satisfied with the care of His blessed again. Then go into the congregation of my servants. And enter into my heaven "(Surat al-Fajr: 27-30). And Allaah knows best. [Yananto Sulaimansyah]