Taqarrub to God is any activity that
brought a servant to Allah., Either by carrying out duties, execute deeds,
deeds nafilah sunnah and other forms of obedience. Taqarrub understanding of
God is not confined to religious activities, as alleged by many Muslims today,
but also includes all activities mu'amalat, morality, math'umat (relating to
food), malbusaat (relating to clothing) even uqubat ( implementation of legal
sanctions in the world by the Islamic state / Caliphate). In a Hadith Qudsi,
Allah Ta'ala. said:
"And no bertaqarrub (close) to
me a slave to something more I like than its obligations". (Sahih Bukhari
Juz 11, hal.292-297)
Imam Ibn Hajar said: "Included
in these are lafadz all liabilities, both fard 'ayn and fard kifaya, so it can
also be taken from her understanding that the implementation of obligatory
deeds are the most preferred activity of Allah." Fard deeds referred to
may be mentioned ranging from praying, give charity, devoted to both parents,
studying, jihad fi sabilillah, enjoining her evil, being honest and sincere
lillahi istiqomah ta'ala and in every act, eat kosher food and the good, close
the genitals, to the implementation of hudud laws syar'iyah by the Islamic
state / Caliphate over crimes such as fornication, liwath, steal, riddah (out
of Islam), kill, and so forth. Carry out all activities are intrinsically
included in the scope of self-understanding approach to the believer a servant
to his Lord.
The Qur'an has mentioned some
obligations and regard it as qurbah (approach). One of them is infaq fi
sabilillah, namely berinfak for the sake of the war in the way of Allah. In
this regard the Qur'an as the major approach (great sacrifice) is given by a
believer to draw closer to Allah SWT.
"Among the Bedouin Arabs are
those who believe in Allah and the Last Day and make things which he shall
spend (in jihad fi sabilillah) as an approach in Allah and the way to get the
prayer of the Prophet. Know that it is an approach to them. Allah will enter
into His mercy (Paradise). Surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
"(Translation: Meaning of Qur'an Surat At-Tauba 99)
Al-Qur'an has explained that
taqarrub to God can be reached by performing obedience-obedience and worship
and righteous deeds. Allah SWT. said:
"The people that they
(disbelievers) worship, they themselves find the way to his Lord. Who among
them is closer. They expect His grace (His Heaven) His fear of Allaah (Hell)
"(Translation: Meaning of Qur'an Surah Al-Israa 57)
"It is not the treasures you
and your children that you can get closer to us: but the people believe and do
good deeds, that they get a double reward for what they do. And they will be in
high places (heaven) in a secure state. "(Translation: Meaning of Qur'an
Surat Saba '37)
As-Sunnah also explained that among
the activities to be closer to a servant to his Lord is carrying out acts of
sunnah, mandub, nafilah, and other obedience-obedience. In a hadith Qudsiy
Allah. said:
"There is no stopping a servant
unto me closer to the sunnah acts nafilah, so I love him." (Sahih Bukhari,
Nafilah practice is any activity
which is an addition of a mandatory practice, either in the form of Sadaqah,
prayer, and fasting and so on. There is a hadith which provide motivation to
increase compliance, that is the hadeeth narrated by Annas ra from the Prophet.
that he reported from his Lord:
"If a servant closer to Me a
span, I would approach it a cubit; if he approaches Me a cubit, I would
approach it sedepa; if he comes to Me walking, I will approach it with
running." (Sahih Bukhari XI/199 )
Thus no doubt that taqarrub to God
by doing good deeds, good deeds and obedience to the Sunnah nafilah will raise
the dignity of a servant in his Lord. This makes it feasible to get help,
assistance and support from Allah. on each of the activities done in the
framework of obedience to Allah and seek His pleasure of. Therefore, in a
Hadith Qudsi Allah. raise the degree of an air-taqarrub servant to Him so that
God answered prayers, support it with the help, assistance and guidance of His.
Hadith are:
"There is no stopping my
servant unto me closer to the sunnah acts nafilah so I love him. If I had loved
him, then I'll be hearing that he had listened to him and I will be a vision
that he saw him, and I'll be the hand that he used, and I'll be his legs that
he runs with it. If he asks me I'll give you that he will undoubtedly ask, and
if he begs protection from me, surely I protect. "
In lafadz others mentioned:
"And if he pleaded (victory) to
me, surely Kutolong." (Fathul Baari, Sharh Saheeh Bukhari, XI/341-345)
Dignity will not be achieved except
by those who have committed obligations and supplement it with work practice
sunnah nawafil, obedience, mandubaat, and not by the people who conduct
activities required sunnah but leave act or acts of heresy and unlawful.
This book is excellent in presenting
some examples of approaches to God and obedience to him as an addition that is
needed by every Muslim, especially for a Da'wa. For a Da'wa is the person who
most need a strong rope to reach God's relationship with his help and put their
trust in Him with truth really trust. The author also emphasized that, as shown
in this book Muqaddimah.
Among the examples of obedience and
the approach is to improve the quality of deeds is to purify the intention is
only to Allah alone and adapt to the demands of Personality '; carry out the
obligation, to multiply good deeds such as praying sunnah nafilah rawatib,
reading Qur'an, praying , dhikr and her forgiveness, generosity, and put other
people, because God's love and hate, tolerate trials, obedience to the leader
of Muslims / Islamic caliphate in the continued life and carry the message of
Islam to all people and nations. Therefore, this book is worth reading every
Muslim and mastered it by any Da'wa who had given wala '(loyalty) and its
contribution to the struggle of the Islamic movement. Moreover, he wants to
realize the glory of the Muslims and to establish his Islamic religion on
And God, which lowers the Islamic
religion, is bound to honor and help him through the hands of religious
believers who are aware of a group and their souls were filled with faith,
obedience and love of Allah and His Messenger.
Abdurrahman Muhammad
Taqarrub To God
Key to Successful Propagation

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